About Us
Who we are, what we do, Why we do it
(UK-Northern Ireland)
The selected community is the area called the Roe Valley, which is a beautiful rural area along the North Coast of Northern Ireland, not far from the Giant’s Causeway, one of the 7 wonders of the World.
Direct beneficiaries
CERES Europe has a strong community training ethos within the social economy, the employment sector, and the cultural and historical area of Northern Ireland. CERES Europe is situated within a beautiful rural strip along the North Coast of Northern Ireland, not far from the Giant’s Causeway, one of the 7 wonders of the World. The area also suffers from high unemployment in younger age groups and has a continually rising number of older people who must try to maintain some form of employment until much later in life. In addition to training people for qualifications which lead to employment, CERES staff and management believe in using social media and ICT to embrace the rich diversity of Irish, Scottish & English heritage which fills the small villages and towns in the Roe Valley. Music, poetry, dance & storytelling draws people together and informal learning spans across all ages, all religions and can be embraced by both formal and informal organisations. It is intended that the outcomes from this project will be used by all community members and learners of all ages in the area and far beyond.
Yvonne Donaghy
Ceres Group est a l’ecoute de ses etudiants. J’ai passe mes escams et la personne en charge etait a l’ecoute.
Ceres Group listens to its students. I finished my exams and the person in charge was listening to me.
Staff very pleasant and helpful, the exam room was very comfortable. Couldn’t have asked for any more
Общий опыт работы в центре оценки AAT был отличным. Мы смогли изучить большую часть бухгалтерского учета уровней 2 и 3 за последние шесть месяцев. Приехать сюда из Белфаста очень позитивно и приятно.
The overall experience in the AAT assessment centre has been great. We were able to learn most of level 2 and 3 accountancy during the period of the last six months. It feels very positive and comforting coming here from Belfast.
Everything was very pleasant from start to finish. It was a great and quiet environment to be in.